Let Me Sum Up

LMSU Holiday Special 2022: Don’t Sum Up

Episode Summary

On this EXTRA SPECIAL HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR your intrepid hosts award the First Annual Let Me Sum Up Award for Best Climate and Energy Report, before ditching the reports to dissect disaster flick cum climate allegory Don’t Look Up.

Episode Notes

In this EXTRA SPECIAL HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR your intrepid hosts eschew the normal dissection of climate and energy reports and instead, in an exercise of regrettable democratic process, critique a climate movie of YOUR choice, dear Summerupperers.

But before we do that, we kick off with the inaugural awarding of our favourite climate and energy paper of 2022. This award, which most-definitely-will-not-be-named-the-Papies, was awarded to… DRUMROLL pleeeeease…..

'Empirically grounded technology forecasts and the energy transition’ from Rupert Way, Matthew C. Ives, Penny Mealy and J. Doyne Farmer from Oxford University. AKA the learning rates paper!  A very worthy recipient of Let Me Sum Up’s inaugural NON-Papie! Honourable mentions for our runners up go to Infrastructure Victoria’s ‘Towards 2050: Gas Infrastructure in a Net Zero Emissions Economy’ and the Commonwealth’s ‘Safeguard Mechanism Reforms consultation paper’. And of course you could do a lot worse than hit the back catalogue to hear us discuss these three papers on Episode 11, Episode 5 and Episode 7 respectively!

Grabbing the popcorn and maybe some rotten tomatoes, your intrepid hosts settled in to critique the climate movie of your choice for 2022, the satirical comedy ‘Don’t Look Up’ in which two astronomers go on a media tour to warn humankind of a planet-killing comet hurtling toward Earth. The response from a distracted world: Meh. The response from your intrepid hosts? We’re not going to make it that easy for you Summerupperers! We watched so you can listen ;-)

Frankie's One More Thing is Noel Pearson’s Boyer Lecture for 2022, available as a podcast or on ABC iView, where he discusses constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, contending this is not a project of identity politics, but one of justice, unity and inclusion.

Tennant's One More Thing is a retro fantastic re-reading of a favourite science fiction book by William Gibson, Neuromancer, published in 1984. Go check it out!

Luke's One More Thing is a summer movie whodunnit, Glass Onion starring Daniel Craig as Benoit Blanc, a charming PI with a southern drawl. Reminiscent of Agatha Christie and also skewering the rich and powerful, this is currently filling Menzel’s void of Rian Johnson’s missing Star Wars trilogy so give it a watch peeps!

We are taking a break in January but will be back with ever more reports to read in Feb 2023. In the meantime, happy holidays to all our wonderful Summerupperers. Please keep tweeting your thoughts to us at @LukeMenzel, @TennantReed and @FrankieMuskovic and if you would like to weave some golden threads through our back catalogue, give us your feelpinions or suggest papers to read we are always here for that - hit us up at mailbag@letmesumup.net.