Let Me Sum Up

IEA Asks: Can You Dig It?

Episode Summary

Your intrepid hosts reflect on the raw materials that are essential for the clean energy revolution with the International Energy Agency's 'Critical Minerals Market Review 2023'.

Episode Notes

FLAMING HOT news out of Victoria – the State Government’s announcement of a ban on planning permits for gas connections to new homes from 1 Jan 2024 – had your intrepid hosts speculating on whether this is indeed the beginning of the end for domestic gas use in Australia. A big call but consensus was that this is an inflection point!

And that wasn’t the only news to share with our Summeruppers this week. Dun dun DUNNNN!! It turns out that in addition to recording the occasional pod with Luke and Tennant, Frankie has been growing a tiny human who is about to make their debut! While Frankie will be taking a short break from the pod, we are delighted to announce that Luke and Tennant will not be left unsupervised and will be joined by friend of the pod, climate maven and lovely human-to-boot Alison Reeve. Welcome to the LMSU gang Alison!

This week your intrepid hosts DIG DEEP to unearth the state of the world’s critical minerals through the International Energy Agency’s inaugural Critical Minerals Market Review 2023. Lithium, nickel, cobalt oh my - there’s something for everyone in this report, including HUUUGE opportunities for Australia. But not according to everyone. The Productivity Commission remains unconvinced. That didn’t stop Tennant from upping his meme game and finding a way to make this also about CBAM. Because ALL ROADS LEAD TO CBAM.

Tennant’s One More Thing was actually Two More Things: a reflection on the highs and lows of his recent trip to Darwin for the Developing Northern Australia Conference, followed some excited speculation on a paper claiming discovery of a room-temperature, normal-pressure superconductor. Is it legit? We’ll see!

Frankie’s One More Thing is Chris Bowen’s announcement the government will develop six sectoral plans as part of the long awaited One-Net-Zero-Plan-to-Rule-Them-All. Due by the end of 2024 they will be delivered with the hotly anticipated 2035 interim target. Watch this space.

Luke’s One More Thing is a plug for his other pod (outrageous isn’t it) First Fuel in which he unpacks all things ELECTRIFICATION with the guru of gurus Jan Rosenow. Get it in your ears NOW people!

And that’s all from us this week Summerupperers! We shall see you next time and until then, please keep tweeting your thoughts to us at @LukeMenzel, @TennantReed and @FrankieMuskovic and if you would like to weave some golden threads through our back catalogue, give us your feelpinions or suggest papers to read we are always here for that - hit us up at mailbag@letmesumup.net.