Let Me Sum Up

Bonus: We Won’t Shut Up, But We'll Take Your Money

Episode Summary

Your intrepid hosts have launched a Patreon! Become a Super Summerupperer and help make the pod sustainable by signing up today!

Episode Notes

Calling all Summerupperers! We’ve plunged into the partay pool of Patreon to make this passion project of ours a tad more sustainable. You can sign up to our Patreon here:  https://www.patreon.com/LetMeSumUp

We launched Let Me Sum Up back in 2022 because we had a feeling we weren’t the only ones struggling to keep up with all the latest climate and energy papers and global goings on. We have loved every second of it and meeting many of you, our amazing listeners, who love the pod and have encouraged us to keep going. 

Your intrepid hosts also have busy day jobs and are also trying to do life with young families while we continue to devote time to reading and chatting about papers for y’all. 

We’re launching the Patreon to make the task of doing the pod more sustainable for us - and particularly Luke who has been editing the pod in his spare time since we started. Our initial hope is to get enough subscribers to cover the cost of hiring an editor. Oh No! Our plan for WORLD DOMINATION has been revealed!

For those of you lovely folk who can afford to, signing up to be a Super Summerupperer will cost you AUD10/month and you’ll unlock access to exclusive subscriber-only episodes of the pod, copies of our copious notes on papers read, a chance to vote on what we should read and more coveted BoCo informed by you, our amazing listener community. Right this instant, over on Patreon, there is a bonus episode on the Victorian Gas Substitution Roadmap 2.0 for the listening pleasure of our Patreon supporters. You can sign up here: https://www.patreon.com/LetMeSumUp

And NEVER FEAR! A standard, spectacular and entirely free episode of LMSU will be hitting your feed this Friday.

Thanks for your support,

Frankie, Luke and Tennant